Coaching para el bienestar de los ejecutivos

Coaching para el bienestar ejecutivo con Kimberly Best Johnson

Libere todo su potencial con nuestro Executive Wellness Coaching, diseñado para líderes en todas las etapas de su trayectoria profesional. Esta experiencia de coaching transformador hace hincapié en la integración holística de la mente, el cuerpo y el espíritu, lo que le permite alcanzar sus más altas aspiraciones personales y profesionales a través de cambios sostenibles de mentalidad y comportamiento.

¿Se siente insatisfecho o se enfrenta a retos que obstaculizan su progreso? ¿Se encuentra en una encrucijada, buscando claridad y dirección? Nuestro proceso de coaching está diseñado para ayudarle a identificar y superar obstáculos, mejorar su eficacia interpersonal y garantizar que su salud mental apoye -y no socave- su rendimiento y su alcance.

Nos centramos en mejorar su eficacia dentro de su comunidad y organización, fomentando la colaboración y unas relaciones más sólidas que impulsen el éxito colectivo. Del mismo modo que los ejecutivos de alto rendimiento y los deportistas de élite buscan orientación para mejorar su juego, usted también puede beneficiarse de una asociación estratégica con un entrenador especializado. Juntos, afrontaremos sus retos particulares, cultivaremos la resiliencia y aprovecharemos sus puntos fuertes para impulsarle hacia el éxito.

Dé el primer paso hacia el siguiente nivel de su viaje: trabajemos juntos para hacer realidad su visión, dando prioridad a su bienestar general y a su eficacia en la comunidad.

Por si te lo estás preguntando... ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre un Executive Wellness Coach y un psicoterapeuta?

Coaching para el bienestar ejecutivo frente a psicoterapia

Aunque el coaching para el bienestar ejecutivo y la psicoterapia tienen como objetivo mejorar el bienestar mental, tienen fines distintos y utilizan enfoques diferentes.

Enfoque y objetivos:

  • El Coaching para el Bienestar de Ejecutivos está enfocado hacia el futuro, con el objetivo de mejorar el rendimiento, alcanzar metas específicas y fomentar el crecimiento personal y profesional. Se centra en capacitar a los líderes para desarrollar habilidades, mejorar la eficacia interpersonal y mantener el bienestar general.
  • La psicoterapia, por su parte, suele abordar problemas emocionales y psicológicos derivados de experiencias pasadas. Su objetivo es curar traumas, tratar enfermedades mentales y comprender los problemas subyacentes que pueden afectar a la vida de una persona.


  • El coaching suele estar orientado a la acción y centrado en las soluciones. Hace hincapié en la responsabilidad y el desarrollo de estrategias para lograr los resultados deseados. Fomenta los cambios proactivos y una mentalidad orientada al futuro.
  • La psicoterapia explora cuestiones emocionales y psicológicas más profundas, a menudo ahondando en la historia personal y los sentimientos. Puede implicar el procesamiento de emociones y comportamientos complejos durante un compromiso a largo plazo.

Compromiso con el cliente:

  • En el coaching, los clientes son vistos como individuos capaces y con recursos, listos para dar pasos concretos hacia sus objetivos. El coach actúa como socio y facilitador en este viaje.
  • En psicoterapia, la relación terapéutica suele implicar una exploración más matizada de los problemas de salud mental, en la que el terapeuta aporta ideas y apoyo a través de un trabajo emocional más profundo.

El coaching ejecutivo para el bienestar es una asociación dinámica que le permite desarrollar su potencial y mejorar su eficacia. La psicoterapia es un proceso terapéutico destinado a sanar y comprender las luchas emocionales. Ambos pueden ser valiosos, dependiendo de sus necesidades y objetivos específicos.

Rellene el siguiente formulario para programar una sesión de coaching de salud. A continuación, se le pedirá que cree una cuenta en el portal del paciente para solicitar una cita. La consulta inicial de una hora cuesta $500.00, a pagar con tarjeta de débito o crédito.

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Firma clara
Coaching is a collaborative process that is present and future-oriented. It is action-oriented, solution-focused, and encourages change. It involves accountability and commitment to growth through increased competence, commitment, and confidence. As the client, you set the agenda for these sessions and your success will largely depend upon your willingness to define goals and try new approaches. You can expect me, as your life coach, to be hopeful, encouraging, honest, ask thought-provoking questions, offering challenging techniques to help you keep moving forward. Life coaching is not currently a regulated industry in the state of Virginia. Kimberly Best Johnson has certification from Integrative Nutrition as a Health Coach that incorporates all aspects of wellness, mind, body, Spirit, relationships, and career. It will be solely the responsibility of the client to determine the effectiveness of the services rendered and the competency of the coach. Life coaching is not psychotherapy or counseling. Life coaching does not address or diagnose mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association. Your life coaching sessions are not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, mental health care, or substance abuse treatment. Psychotherapy is a healthcare service and its primary focus is to identify, diagnose, and treat nervous and mental disorders.* Confidentiality: While we are not bound by the laws of HIPPA, confidentiality is an important element of the coaching process. Your identity and ongoing work will be kept strictly confidential. I will only release information about our work with your written permission, or if I am required by court order. The following exceptions apply 1. There is a broad range of events that are reportable under child protection statutes. Physical or sexual abuse of a child will be reported to Child Protective Services. When the victim of child abuse is over age 18, I am not legally mandated to report it unless I believe that there are minors still living with the abuser who may be in danger of being abused. Elder abuse is also required to be reported to the appropriate authorities. 2. If you are at imminent risk to yourself or someone else or make threats of imminent violence against another person, I will take appropriate action. 3. Visions staff may have access to your confidential data. Every staff member is held to the same strict confidentiality practices. Occasionally we may need to consult with other professionals in their areas of expertise to provide the best treatment for you. Information about you may be shared in this context without using your name. 4. If we see each other accidentally outside of the coaching office, we will not acknowledge you first nor should you feel obligated to acknowledge us. Your right to privacy and confidentiality is of the utmost importance, and we do not wish to jeopardize your privacy. However, if you acknowledge us first, we will be more than happy to speak briefly with you, but feel it appropriate not to engage in any lengthy discussions in public or outside of the coaching office.* No Third-Party/Insurance Payment Policy: Ultimately financially responsible for any balance. Visions does not bill to any third-party payers nor do we provide any information other than receipts of payment made by you to you should you decide to seek reimbursement for our services. * Fees and Payment/Cancellation Policy: Payment is due at the time services are rendered. Our team members’ fees per hour of coaching services range from $180.00 to $200.00 Because we operate “By Appointment Only”, cancellations with less than 24 hours’ notice will result in a fee equal to the total amount of the missed session debited from your credit card. After the first no-shows/late cancellations, the client will pre-pay before services are rendered. Clients who have pre-paid agree to have the entire hourly fee deducted from their pre-payment in cases of no-shows and late cancellations. Other services include emergency phone calls over 15 minutes, generating reports, consulting with other agencies and professionals at your request, and the time spent performing any other services you may request. These services will be charged as they occur. PLEASE NOTE: By scheduling a session at Visions, you have agreed to have your credit card on file for the coaching sessions. Any credit card disputes will result in Visions producing a copy of this signed agreement to the company notifying us of the “chargeback” in order to recover our fees. Any additional “chargeback” fees will also be assessed to you the client. Acknowledgment and Release of Liability: By signing indicate you have read and understood this disclosure and consent statement, I acknowledge that I understand the above information. I agree to hold harmless Visions and my life coach from all liabilities and claims which may arise as a result of my participation in life coaching.*